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Interviewing New Dental Patients

Woman shaking dentists handWhen you first meet a new dental patient, you really don’t know much about them, their oral hygiene, and the goals they have for their smiles. New patient interviews can help you learn the answers to these questions and build a rapport.

Once you know a patient’s goals, you can tailor your treatment plans and recommendations to help meet these goals. Not only does this help patients feel more included in their own care, but it also fosters loyalty to your dental practice. Patients will trust you much more if they feel that you’re a partner in their care, not just someone who is trying to sell procedures. This makes case acceptance much more frequent.

New Dental Patient Interviews

Below are a few questions to ask new patients:

  • Is there anything that bothers you about your smile? If so, what?
  • If you could change anything about your smile, what would it be?
  • Do you feel confident in your smile in both your personal and professional life?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how important is oral hygiene in your daily routine?
  • Have you ever had a negative experience with a dentist? How can we avoid this?
  • Do you have any current toothaches, sensitivities, or pain?

This gives you the opportunity to assess your patient’s goals and discuss the services your practice offers that can help them achieve these goals. Point out any potential problem areas and let them know how you can fix them. Instead of overwhelming them with multiple problems, discuss the most immediate concerns first.

Lastly, treatment plans should be presented in a relaxed manner so that patients feel comfortable voicing concerns and asking questions. Cover every element of the treatment plan and try to schedule treatment before they leave

If you’d like to know about more ways to feel connected to your patients, please follow our blog. For help with dental acquisitions or sales, please contact CTC Associates today!

Posted on Oct 30, 2019
Image Credit: File ID 62560239 | © Shannon Fagan |



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