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The Importance of Having a Blog for Your Dental Practice

Marketing concept on dental blogHaving a dental blog page on your website is an essential part of drawing new patients to your site.  You may not think you’ll have many readers, but a blog increases your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) more than almost any other page on your website.

For example, it’s February. So, if someone types, “which Valentine candy is best for my teeth?” into the search engine and you’ve just written a blog about this, not only will the person have their question answered, but you may have just gained a new patient!

Dental Blog Importance

SEO is just one of many reasons why blogging is so important to your practice, but below are a few more:

  • Blogs provide content for your social media pages – We all know how important a social media presence can be for your practice. But it’s difficult to post without sounding like a broken record. Blogs allow you to post meaningful, original, informative content and will gain you more followers.
  • Well-informed blogs help establish your authority – Showing your expertise in your field can help you gain credibility from your current patients and could draw new patients to you. 
  • Regular blogging can raise awareness of your practice – This goes hand in hand with SEO because the more content you post on your blog, the more it’ll pop up in search results. This can make prospective patients aware of your dental practice.
  • Blogs allow you to connect with and engage your patients – Blogs allow you to connect with your patients on a more personal level. These posts don’t need to be as formal as your other website pages, meaning you can share experiences and personal opinions, providing a closer relationship and establishing your patient's trust in you.
  • You’ll be helping to educate the public – Writing blogs about the latest in dental advancements can educate your patients and keep them up to date on the best ways they can care for their teeth.

For more information on managing a successful dental webpage, speak with one of our dental consultants. We specialize in dental practice management, practice sales of buying and selling dental practices, and much more.   

Posted on Feb 11, 2019
Image Credit: File ID 87699719 | © Denisismagilov |



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