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Holiday Marketing for Your Dental Office

Woman with giftHolidays around your dental office might be a little slow. However, there are quite a few things you can do to help increase revenue during slow times and holidays. Using the holidays to market your dental practice can be used to boost patient loyalty, bring in business during slow times, and remind people to care for their oral hygiene!

Holiday Marketing

Below are a few ways you can use the holidays to help market your dental practice:

  • Make a Plan – The first thing to do is create a schedule and a plan. Make a list of upcoming holidays and the procedures you can promote during these holidays. Consult with your staff on these decisions, as their input can be helpful and will make them feel more invested in the success of the practice.
  • Be Creative – The fun part of holiday marketing is being festive and creative, finding fun and interesting ways to incorporate the holidays into your dental office. As important as it is to be creative, it’s just as important to stay on subject and not get too carried away!
  • Use Social Media – Social media is a great way to bring patients to your practice all year round. But it can be especially helpful during the holidays. Use social media to interact with your patients, starting conversations about oral health and upcoming holidays. This is a fun and simple way to connect and bond with your patients and potential patients.

Following the above steps will make it easy to bring dental patients into your practice during the slow holiday times. For more tips on how to keep your practice successful and profitable, please contact CTC Associates today.

Posted on Aug 7, 2018
Image Credit: File ID 16404860 | © Ariwasabi |



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