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Are Your Dental Patients Responding to Your Email Marketing Campaign?

E-mail marketing diagram

It can be frustrating to put so much time and effort into creating any type of marketing campaign just to realize that your patients aren’t engaging in these efforts. You may send out an email, write an article or a blog, or post on social media platforms, just for nothing to come out of it.

There are several reasons why your patients may not be responding to your efforts. Either you’re using the wrong channels, your message is off a bit, or you’re not following best practices. These are usually the case when it comes to failing email marketing.

Increasing Patient Response

When writing an informal email, it’s as easy as typing out your message and pushing ‘send!’ But it’s a bit more complicated when emailing dental patients. Below are a few things to consider when putting together your email marketing campaign:

  • Are your subject lines enticing enough to get patients to click on them?
  • Is your content clear, concise, and simple to read on many platforms and devices?
  • Lastly, does your content include a clear call-to-action regarding making an appointment at your dental office?

If these are things you haven’t yet considered, that may be your problem! Luckily there are still plenty of great opportunities to bring in new dental patients with a solid email marketing campaign. Offer specials and discounts or announce an upcoming event at your dental office!

If your marketing efforts are failing or if you’re having trouble with any other aspect of running your dental practice, it may be time to contact CTC Associates today. We can help with dental acquisitions, practice sales, and running the day-to-day operations of your office. Give us a call today!

Posted on Dec 23, 2019
Image Credit: File ID 40642326 | © Pressureua |



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