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Life After Retirement – Adjusting After The Sale Of Your Practice

Dental Retirement

We know that once the whirlwind of selling your practice is over, it can be very difficult to adjust to retirement or the changing of careers. This period of limbo can raise questions in your mind that you may have not considered before. We’re here to issue you a few tips on how best to adjust to life after the sale of your practice:

Be patient

It’s important to take your time and be patient with yourself during this transition period, especially if you had a sentimental attachment to your practice. It can be a painful time of life to see end. The key to a successful transition or retirement to take your time to work through the emotions of the transition.


Having a solid plan in place can take the stress out of this time in your life. Whether you’re taking another career path or if you just plan to relax and enjoy retirement, there should be a plan.


Making wise investments is key to protecting any money made off the sale of your practice. Work closely with a financial planner to get your finances in order so that you can enjoy life without worrying about money..

Once you get these three main areas worked out, you’ll be well on your way to adjusting to your new life! We here at CTC Associates can help you with the current sale of your practice and to help you along the way once the practice is sold. For more information, please contact us today!

Posted on Dec 17, 2015
Image Credit: File ID 23871855 | © Warrengoldswain |



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